Wednesday, 13 October 2010

David Turner Photography








David Turner is a photographer which is a very good photographer. He used to be a senior lecturer at Buckingham Chilterns University College. For years he was responsible for much of the college's photographic needs. He has many years of extensive experience of both teaching and in photography.

I have chosen my favorite images from David Turner. 
1. I like how the model is posing and how the lighting and the shading is seen on his skin. On this image it looks like he has been taking the pictures in the studio, due to the background of just being a plain grey  background. It also looks like the model is resting his left arm on something because that is the arm which he is resting his weight on.
2. I really like this image because i like how plain and simple it is. The model is obviously up to date with fashion and its a great fashion shot. I also like the way there is a big canvas with bright pinks and reds, it works very well with the white background and the white flooring. 
3. I also like this image because of how simple it is also. It has a great background colour an flooring, and the way the model is dressed stands out really well on this image. It is a dark picture and i also like the way the model is positioned because he looks very mysterious.
4. I think this image is my favorite image because it is obviously shot in a studio or a place with a good strong background. I also like the contrast of colours and the black and white works really well. I think this would be a really good place to model my artist/band. I also like the angle that the camera is underneath the model.
5,6,7. These images are my favorite ones of the 7, because i like the way each of the pictures are and the contrasts in each of the images. In image 5 i like the way that the model is walking in an outdoor environment and she is infront of a push bike which is parked up and infront of a house which has green plants crawling up. The way the model is posing looks very natural as she is smiling a little bit. The shadow of her works really well too.
Image 6 is a really good strong photograph because the model is sitting on a staircase in a peachy coloured costume looking into a big mirror. I like the way that the lighting is and the way that the model is sitting. It works really well and i would use this as a background for my artist/band.
Image 7. this is my favorite image of them all. I like the way that the model is wearing a golden ball gown and that the is standing on the staircase with both of her arms on the brown wooden banister. i think the thing i like most about it is the lighting. This will be one of the top choices to base the background of my chosen band.


  1. Hi
    I am very very very impressed with this level of work, are you sure you are a first year!!!
    The work you have researched you have commented on it in a relevant way and identified to some extent what it is you like about the work.
    Look at the new support sight which has all the info, handouts, assignment info, criteria, etc... which will help you to start to label and track your work to meet the criteria.


  2. Hi
    Looking back over this blog it is apparent that you understand the design and development process. The analysis of your research is very coherent and in a logical and systematic order.
    You are able to communicate your ideas and intentions clearly.

    Criteria met;


