Wednesday, 3 November 2010

Album Cover Design (Test)

I was set a tast to complete and design an album cover by going onto 'Flickr'  and choosing an image from clicking on the most recent images and then choosing an interesting image and making it your own. We were also told to go onto wikipedia and we had to click on the 'Random Page' and then the title of that page which mine was 'taxi' and i made this the band name, and then we had to get the last four words of a quote and that would be the album name. 
To produce my album cover i imported the image into photoshop and played around with what i liked. There was somethings that i didnt like, like i changed it to black and white and that looked too dark and i didnt like the way it looked. Then i just played around with the different effects and i liked the way it looks like kind of blue and i also like the way the model stands out.
I think this is a really interesting picture because i like the way there are two birds in the image, it looks really effective.

1 comment:

  1. Hi
    You have shown an ability to research and identify value from it. This has been well evidenced within your blog along with images. You are able to communicate you thoughts and ideas and have done evaluations throughout this blog.
    You have also demonstrated that you understand the use of context within photographic research along with understanding media , techniques and technology.

    Criteria met;
    Understand the design development process Unit 7- P1, M1
    Be able to use the design development process in own work Unit 7- P2, M2
    Be able to communicate ideas and intentions clearly Unit 7- P3, M3, D3

